Monday, December 3, 2012

How to Get Your Website Soar High Through Article Marketing Service

An article marketing service is an important component of marketing strategy. By producing content that makes used of SEO, one can get better page ranking and finally end up as number one. The content plays an important role which helps to generate more organic traffic to your website and convince customers that your website is where they need to go to spend their well-earned money. Article marketing service uses link building, which links to the contents on another other page. IF your website is found on the first page of the search engines, you'll notice an increase of customers and traffic in your business.

Article writing is a special skill.Some people like to write their own articles: some are successful and some are not. It looks like a very simple thing to do, yet if your command of the written language is not really that excellent and your grammar is likely to be incorrect. It could do your website more harm than good.Moreover, IF the content is not properly optimized and written according to the placement and the quantity of keywords used by the visitor looking for websites such as yours, then your business would distinctly possible suffer. Given the countries with the largest total number of internet users mainly have English as their first language, this presents a problem for those non-English speakers. This is where article marketing service is useful. Foreign business professionals who have difficulty in speaking English can have articles written for them with perfect grammar and spelling for article submission throughout the internet.

Outsourcing to Philippines of article marketing service offers cost efficient and superb quality article writing. Due to the need for financial improvements and quality outputs, one of the key reasons why foreign business companies outsource to Philippines is to save up on budget. By hiring skilled and qualified article writers in the Philippines, businessmen will generate more income. The Philippines is a strategic location for business process outsourcing because of the cheap price of labor and their good command in English. Filipinos adapt easily to dictions, accents and registers of prospective clients-whether in American-English or the Queen's. They are also talented in writing that even one of their heroes during the war used the pen as a weapon.

The main objective of this article marketing service, however, is to provide you with a range of article services that will not only supply you with unique content for your website, but also supply you with the means, knowledge, or opportunity to apply article marketing to its full capacity using well-written articles only for you and no one else.

Beginner Tips for Article Marketing Campaign   How Do I Get MY Articles Noticed Over the Competitions?   Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   Free Article Marketing Strategies for Savvy Marketers   

Top Ten Formulas to Help Build Your Ezine Subscribers List

1. Offer your possible subscribers a free course on what subject you are trying to inform them. Publish your ezine advertisements in for each one lesson. Because when numerous people see it, the greater the chance they will subscribe to your list.

2. Indicate to your possible mailing list subscribers a taste of your ezine. Blacken out many of the important parts of information; this will get them more interested & more than likely subscribe to your list.

3. Grant additional businesses permission to provide them a free subscription to your ezine as an incentive for merchandise you sell.

4. Provide your potential purchaser a price reduction with a primary product you sell whenever they subscribe to your free ezine.

5. Give your possible subscriber a questioner that will sway them to subscribe for instance "How would you like to be capable of retire earlier?"

6. Write your broadcast advertisements to sound as though it is good sense to subscribe. For instance, "everybody recognizes they have to..."

7. Presume people are starting to instantly sign up to your ezine. For example, "Dear Wealthy Subscriber" They most likely subscribe in order to gets wealthy, or to at least see what it is you are talking about and see if it is for them or not.

8. Allow for your mailing list to pick up material from each one of your issues of your ezine. It may be reports or software system. They will tell other people and those people could subscribe.

9. Assure people what their friends or family could say as a result of what they are learning in your e-zine. Most of us care about what others think of them.

10. Make possible for buyers to feel as if it is their idea to subscribe to your list, they will be less hesitating. Assure them in your advertisement "they're arriving at a great idea to subscribe".

Beginner Tips for Article Marketing Campaign   How Do I Get MY Articles Noticed Over the Competitions?   Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   

Drive Traffic To Your Blog - 3 Words! Consistency, Keywords, Strategy!

Article marketing is a simple thing to do on the whole. But there are some things you have to be aware of. When you begin using article marketing to promote your blog or website it is important to come to it with the right mind set. See it as a long term part of your promotional activities and not a quick fix that you do a few posts and then get bored and push it to the side.


Article marketing is like a drop in the ocean. It is insignificant and ineffectual in small numbers, but if you are consistent then you can make a tidal wave of change to your website or blog. It is a simple thing to do. Set yourself numbered goals to reach every day and don't leave your desk until it is done!


Understand that your articles are found by your keywords. Think carefully about what you expect your potential readers to write into their Google bar when they are looking for a service or information in your field. Then test this keyword and research it using Googles keyword tool. This will then have to be sprinkled liberally in your article so that it can be found. Not too much so that it damages the flow of your article or raises red flags with your article directory.


Have a strategy for writing your posts to make sure that every time you sit down to do the job you come out with a significant result. Also, have a strategy for what you wish to happen with the traffic that will come from all your hard work. Don't get people to your website and then waste your time and theirs.

Beginner Tips for Article Marketing Campaign   How Do I Get MY Articles Noticed Over the Competitions?   Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics   

Article Directories: Who's Best? A Formula to Work Out Which Is the Best Article Directory

Article directories trade content for inlinks. The process of acquiring links is a key part of Search Engine Optimisation and will help improve your website's status.

Various sources claim that certain article directories or repositories are more valuable than others.

Can we really rely on these opinions? And how accurate are they?

When delving into this topic it is common to stumble upon articles that place a considerable amount of weight on Google's PageRank. The higher the rank of the article hosting site, the higher the importance attributed to the back link. This is definitely a factor to consider, but by no means should this point of measure, be used alone.

Other sources will use the Alexa rank to gauge the traffic flows and popularity of a directory. This rank is an important resource but when used alone can produce inaccurate results. A site called Compete will also work out a site's rank but this is only valid for the US market.

To get down to the bare facts a more in depth analysis of the options available is required.

Extensive research has been carried out by Web Branding to conceive a viable and realistic measuring tool for this dilemma. This concept will calculate the quality and potential benefit a user will receive from the top article directories on offer.

The factors taken into consideration to determine which article directory will provide users with the best service are as follows:

1. Google PageRank

2. Alexa Rating - From the Alexa website rating an 'Alexa rank' was calculated. The rank like the Google PR is out of 10 and was formulated on the basis that an alexa rating of more than 5000 would result in a zero.

3. Directory Inlink Amount - Another rank was formulated using inlink data taken from Yahoo's Site Explorer. A directory boasting two million links or more would be awarded a rank 10.

4. Directory Page Amount - This rank has been created taking into account the following knowledge. This example explains: Two identical sites have the same PR. Site A has double the amount of pages as Site B. The pages on Site A hold more potential PR link power because there is less. More pages mean a PR will be diluted. This rank is calculated with the previous statement in mind, therefore ten million pages will result in a zero rank.

5. Article Link PageRank -This takes into consideration the actual PR of the page on which your article is featured. This is often not considered, it is normally just the PR of the directory's home page. The highest weighting of all the ranks above is accredited to this measurement.   To view the Best Article Directory please follow this link: Best_Article_Directory

Beginner Tips for Article Marketing Campaign   How Do I Get MY Articles Noticed Over the Competitions?   Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   8 Tips To Write Winning Articles   Increase Your Profits With Article Writing   

Free Article Submission: Usage and Techniques

Nowadays Free article submission is one of the fastest ways to popularize a website and a person's article writing talent at the same time. An article can be submitted to a free article hosting site from which developers, webmasters and publishers search for appropriate articles to be used for some other purpose. The article contains links to the author's website and thus when a reader reads the article, the chances of him visiting the author's website increases. Due to this it can be said that it is useful for both the website and blog where the article is published and the author's website at the same time. By successfully repeating this process it is possible to optimize the results for the website in a search engine. This is called SEO or search engine optimization. The process is simple to understand and very useful and essential to promote a website. There are many benefits of free article submission, if a web developer uses the submitted article then the links in the article are posted in the website. By this process the traffic to the author's website also increases as the visitors to the website where the article is posted automatically visits the articles site.

In order to create an SEO article, it is important to choose the correct keywords. The keywords should be ones that are frequently searched on search engines. The keywords should also pertain to the topic of the website that is being promoted. For example if the website is about wildlife then the article can be about animal habitat or something of that sort, it shouldn't be about cars. If the article is not filled with the right keywords then even a great article will be of no use to the website that is being endorsed. Choosing the title of the article is also important, the title or its synonyms should be used throughout the article for best search engine optimization. Rather than focusing on wide ranged topics the articles should be based on specific subjects for best results. The title is of utmost importance in free article submission. After a few weeks it is important to run a search for the written article. If the article appears in the search then it has been well received by webmasters and it can be concluded that the popularity of the website is fast gaining ground. The more articles are submitted to free article submission sites, more improvements will be seen in both reception of the articles and traffic flow to the website.

The techniques followed in web content writing can be followed in free article submission as well as this is essentially the same thing. It is important to make the articles to the point and not exaggerated. If the article does not carry enough information and looks more like an advertisement then the basic purpose is lost and it won't be received by website developers. The author's website has to be subtly endorsed without directly mentioning it anywhere.

Beginner Tips for Article Marketing Campaign   How Do I Get MY Articles Noticed Over the Competitions?   Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   

How to Use an E-Newsletter to Generate New Sales for Your Business

Want to build brand loyalty and reach new customers at the same time? Social networking is one way to do it. But a tried and true method that still works effectively is to publish an e-newsletter.

Like all good marketing methods, publishing an e-newsletter does take some time and effort. You have to research and write articles. You need to have an existing email list in place, and a method for acquiring new subscribers - such as providing an opt-in box on your website. You also need to test your subject lines to make sure the e-newsletter gets opened by your subscribers.

But the benefits can be well worth it to your business. An e-newsletter:

Creates a positive relationship with your customers Provides an inexpensive advertising medium for your products/services Drives traffic to your website and/or blog Generates leads

So, how do you decide what type of content to include in an e-newsletter?

First, you need to decide who your target market is. Then, think about what type of information would be useful to that audience that you can provide, such as:

Informative articles Product or service reviews Industry or company announcements News links Tips & tricks Surveys Q&A

You'll also need to decide how often you want to send your e-newsletter: weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

For instance, if you own an organic lawn care service, you could send out a monthly e-newsletter that features general lawn care tips, the benefits of organic fertilizer, and advertises a specific service you offer, such as pest control.

Now, you may be thinking, "I don't have time to write an e-newsletter." Or, "I'm not a good writer. How can I do this?"

Here's the good news. You don't have to. There are many freelance writers available that would be happy to do the research and writing for you at a reasonable cost. Ask your business associates if they know anyone, or just go to Google and search freelance writer.

Ideally, you'll want to choose a copywriter over someone who writes articles for magazines, for example. That's because a copywriter knows how to write copy that sells. And after all, that's the ultimate purpose of your e-newsletter.

Here are a few rules to remember when starting a business e-newsletter:

1. Choose a delivery method.

To avoid getting your email dumped into your customer's spam folder, pick a reliable email marketing solution provider, such as Constant Contact or iContact. These companies offer several benefits to you including:

Tracking capabilities - reports allow you to see bounce rates, forwarded, delivered/undeliverable and sent emails, as well as conversions, click-throughs and more. Design templates - a wide variety of styles and colors are available to suit many different industries, or you can import your own HTML page Attachment abilities - you can add pictures, sound files, background images, and the ability to subscribe/unsubscribe from your e-newsletter

2. Set a format and schedule. Be consistent.

Decide what types of information will be featured in the e-newsletter, and how often you plan to mail it. If this is a monthly e-newsletter - send it the same time every month, so your readers can rely on it. Also, try to keep the same categories each time, with a little variety here and there. If you provide content your readers like, they will look forward to reading each new issue - wondering what new tidbit you'll provide next.

3. Review other e-newsletters in your industry.

If you're still stumped for ideas about what to include in your e-newsletter, read ones that are published by other companies in your industry. It should help you decide what to include, or leave out of your own product.

4. Keep the subject line relative to the content.

Don't use your subject line to sell your company's product or services. The subject line should indicate the e-newsletter's title, plus a few words describing one of the featured articles to attract interest. If your customer sees right away what the email is about, she'll be more likely to open it. But if your subject line implies something else, there's a greater chance the e-newsletter will be deleted before it's even opened.

Beginner Tips for Article Marketing Campaign   How Do I Get MY Articles Noticed Over the Competitions?   Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   

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